Flemish and South African universities kick off sustainable COIL project
eNSPIRED contributes to the internationalisation of education in Flanders in various ways. One such way is through tailored project guidance. For example, we support the teacher training programme at Howest University of Applied Sciences in launching a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) project. This online exchange project connects their students with students from two South African universities: the University of Kwazulu-Natal and the University of Zululand.

VELOV Conference 2024: Inspiring insights from Professor Angela James
VELOV Conference 2024: A great success with inspiring insights from Professor Angela James of South Africa

Velov Conference 2024: A Fresh Perspective on Education
On November 18, we will take a moment to reflect on eight inspiring and enriching years. During a studio broadcast, we will look back with some students and teachers at what we learned and what we will take with us for the future. We also launch a publication and a tool for quality deployment of international learning experiences. Stella Nyanchama Okemwa brings inspiration on decolonization. Nic Balthazar leads you through the well-filled program.

Get inspired by these eduSHAREs!
In het voorjaar van 2023 vertrokken zes leerkrachten in opleiding van Howest, Arteveldehogeschool en Hogeschool VIVES op internationale stage naar Cambodja, Zambia en Zuid-Afrika. Omdat we met eNSPIRED geloven dat het Vlaamse onderwijsveld ook kan leren van landen in Azië, Afrika en Zuid-Amerika gaven we de studenten de opdracht om te werken aan een eduSHARE!

COIL: exchange between teacher training in Belgium and Cambodia
Since 2022, we have been supporting teacher educators through tailor-made processes. As was proven recently in an exchange between Artevelde University College, Belgium and Provincial Teacher Training Centres in Cambodia, lower middle-income countries can teach many lessons in education to high income countries. While much of the learning and dialogue will happen online, an in-person workshop took place in Ghent, Belgium, in February 2023 to kick off the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) component led Cambodian teachers Chinda Lay and Phannha Chea.

Six student teachers search for international education inspiration
In a month's time, six teacher trainees from Howest, Artevelde, and VIVES (three Universities of Applied Science) will go on international internships to Cambodia, Zambia and South Africa. In December, we got them ready during a training day. With eNSPIRED we believe that the Flemish educational field can also learn from countries in Asia, Africa and South America, that is why we asked the students to develop an eduSHARE!

Publication | 8 years of eNSPIRED: an overview
In this publication, we are looking back at the achievements of the eNSPIRED programme over the past few years. Since 2014, we have been organising workshops, seminars and learning weeks for teacher trainers, educations advisers and (future) teachers with education experts from countries in Africa, Asia and South America. During their internships abroad, we motivate students, teachers and educational advisors to look for interesting teachers practices that can boost Flemish policy and practice on equity in education.

Professional learning communities: sharing knowledge and learning together
On 21 October 2021, eNSPIRED organised a webinar on professional learning communities (PLCs). During this webinar, the results of an international review study were presented by Dong Nguyen and Ellen Boeren of Glasgow University. Nathalie Aziza from VVOB in Rwanda, Paul Mphisa from VVOB in South Africa and Brenda Akite Otika from STiR Education shared inspiring practical stories, each story focusing on a specific aspect of professional learning communities.

Webinar 'Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)'
On 21 October, you can participate in a webinar on professional learning communities (PLCs) where the results of an international literature study will be presented together with practical stories.
Stand with us to educate a child!
On average it costs only a handfull to bring a child in school for a year
On average, it costs only 100 US dollars To bring a child in school for one year. Together with our partners, we are active in 38 country and counting... With your support, we will reach 10 million children by 2016 with access to a quality primary education.
So, stand with us and help deliver the promise to a bright future.