eNSPIRED, an international dialogue on inclusive and equitable quality education
eNSPIRED is the VVOB programme that creates an international dialogue between teacher trainers (pre- and in-service) in Belgium and their peers in countries in Africa, Asia and South America to stimulate qualitative education. eNSPIRED wants to be a guide and source of inspiration to stimulate the internationalisation of education in Flanders. We support teacher trainers in boosting international and intercultural competencies to develop more world citizenship.
What eNSPIRED does:
Since 2022, we offer tailor-made process guidance to university colleges and partners (VIVES University of Applied Sciences, Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, Howest and Catholic Education Flanders). Together with these partners, we identify specific needs and challenges and work on international exchanges. We always do this with special attention to gender, environment and decolonisation. To do this, we can count on the expertise of Rosa vzw, Djapo, VLIR-UOS, UNICEF Belgium and Steunpunt Diversiteit & Leren.
Furthermore, we support teachers and future teachers before and after their international internship or work visit. Using the eduSHARE flow, we motivate them to look for interesting educational practices during their experience abroad. The eduSHARE flow helps to capture, distribute and apply international practice.
On this website, we will continue to do what we have always done: share inspiring educational practices with you. To spread our story even wider, we work together with several external partners.
How it started:
From 2014 to 2021, we organised workshops, seminars and learning weeks for teacher trainers, educational advisors and (future) teachers with education experts from countries in Africa, Asia and South America. Each academic year was dedicated to a particular theme. Here is an overview of 6 topics: intercultural pedagogy (2015), inclusive education (2016), vulnerability in the classroom (2017-2018), gender (2018-2019), multilingualism (2019-2020) and professional learning communities (2021).
These activities were the driving force behind eNSPIRED, with invaluable materials being exchanged to illustrate theory and practice in words and images. All this inspiration remains available on this website and in our publication that can inspire you to
- acquire international and intercultural skills without going abroad or having physical contact with people in an international context;
- develop international expertise;
- gain insights and knowledge on addressing diversity in education.