Every child has a right to (safe) access to quality education. Yet 65 million girls worldwide are denied it, and for 17 million of them the future is not looking any better. In addition, around 150 million children are at risk of missing out on education, because they are working or fleeing conflict. Girls from the poorest families are particularly at risk of dropping out. This stands in sharp contrast to the Belgian education sector: girls and boys have equal educational opportunities, but boys are drawing the short straw in the face of the ever-growing learning gap.

At eNSPIRED’s international guest lecture on gender and education in Ghent on 13 November 2018, gender specialists madeleine kennedy-macfoy from Education International (EI) and Wendelien Vantieghem from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) looked for the differences and similarities between these gender challenges.

Curious? Below you can watch the entire guest lecture.

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